The myth that you can just let your body deteriorate and then replace the “worn-out” parts is a costly, dangerous, and inefficient approach. Unfortunately, this myth is deeply entrenched in the American consciousness. It not only breeds disease, but is crippling the economy with “health care” costs that are spiraling out of control and increasingly will be paid from taxpayer dollars.
Use Your Inner Pharmacy to Slow the Aging Process
Age related “wear-and-tear” and degeneration can often be slowed, stopped, and even reversed, by using your inner pharmacy. For any degenerative process in the body, a new set of criteria can change your perspective and improve your success. Rather that just assuming that your parts are wearing out due to your age, look at some of the factors that determine how rapidly parts deteriorate.
Headaches and Your Inner Pharmacy
Because headaches can be caused by different malfunctions, it is critical that treatment effectively addresses the cause of the headaches.
When headache patients are treated through a traditional ‘symptom-based protocol”, in which headaches are the symptom, ten people suffering from headaches are likely to be given the same or similar medications to control the symptom.
New Criteria for Health Care Interventions
Answering one simple question would help greatly in prioritizing the best health care interventions: Does “it” safely and effectively restore normal function to the body?
Use Applied Kinesiology to Restore and Maintain Normal Function
Applied Kinesiology is a state-of-the-art system for identifying malfunction in the body, especially the nervous system, and then correcting it. Healthy aging depends on keeping all your parts working as well as possible for as long as possible, and is greatly enhanced by applied kinesiology’s capacity to restore and maintain normal physiology.
Why use Meridian Tapping Techniques?
Tapping on specific acupuncture points while stating or thinking an affirmation (TFT, EFT, etc.) can beneficially alter the physiology of the body. Tapping was originally used as a specific treatment for an identifiable pain or emotional issue and has evolved as a valuable tool for disconnecting old traumas and getting one’s body congruent with new beliefs. The amazing growth of these techniques is based on the fact that they work. Tapping Techniques are now well established and used by hundreds of thousands of people.
Discover Your Own Healthy Diet
Improve your physical and mental health by eliminating foods that weaken your immune system and create inflammation throughout your body. Whether you are really sick with a chronic disease or are more concerned about mental clarity, prevention, and healthy aging, you deserve to know what specific foods are creating problems for you and what foods you can eat without adverse effects.